In addition to seeking federal
In addition to seeking federal emergency relief funds, New Jersey stands to exacerbate strains on the National Flood Insurance Program, a taxpayer subsidized fund that has absorbed nearly $18 billion in debt following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita seven years ago. The Government Accountability Office has long rated the flood insurance program at "high risk" a reflection of the fact that the federal government is on the hook for potentially enormous losses following major natural disasters. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, which oversees the program, declined to estimate the value of Sandy related claims in New Jersey. wholesale nfl jerseys from china Southern New Jersey soils differ from their northern neighbors. In Ocean County, fine fescues are recommended by the county extension agent. The three recommended types, which can be blended, are hard fescue, Chewings fescue and creeping red fescue.wholesale nfl jerseys from china wholesale nfl jerseys from china The res...